10/30/2020 - Generative Energy Live streams/ Podcast

RP = Ray Peat / GD = Georgi Dinkov / DR = Danny Roddy

DR: Georgie Dinkov, Mr. Raymond Peat. How are you guys? Thank you for joining us. Thank you everybody in the chat. Georgie, how are you?

GD: All right. Living a few blocks away from the White House, hoping DC will not get burned down in the next two weeks.

DR: And Ray, are you living life without a mask in Oregon?

RP: I haven't had a mask on for weeks. I got a face shield. I thought I was going to use it to go to the bank but the bank was no longer admitting even mask workers, so I didn't get a chance to try out my plastic face shield.

DR: Was that because of the dust and things or was that a requirement for the bank?

RP: No, the state governor said that you could wear a face shield instead of a mask and I was just going to see if the stores or banks actually would follow her orders because the bank seemed so crazily panicked. But I didn't get a chance to try them.

DR: That is okay. So you're opting to do that because of the negative health effects from a mask or just not enjoying wearing one of them?

RP: Yeah, just not wanting to wear a mask, and having a piece of plastic two inches in front of your face doesn't disturb anything.

DR: One of the crazy things in Mexico, the people that seem to be like the mask in the face shield and things like that, the most affected people seem to be the lowest, like socio-economic type of individuals — like the people cleaning the jardine are suffering so badly wearing a mask when it's extremely hot outside, and so in San Francisco they might not think it's a big deal to go to the shop and wear a mask or something, but you got to think about people that are suffering big time, you know?

RP: Yeah.

DR: Georgie, you have some questions just about life in general and then we can move on to talking about respiration and kind of going step by step in the last few live streams about just the stress system and all the work that Ray has done.

GD: Ray, I'm sure you've seen the news that they found water on the moon, and also they found phosphine on Venus and they've been used over the last like five or ten years, that they found vitamin B3 and glycine in outer space. So, especially when it comes to phosphine, the consensus — if we believe it — says that they don't know of any inorganic process that is capable of creating phosphine. All the processes on Earth seem to involve life. Do you think that suggests that maybe there may be life forms on Venus and other planets as well?

RP: Very possible, but I don't think they have a broad enough conception of what life is. I think there are probably life equivalents that have gone down a very different route from making organisms. I think of it as a basic reflex of being — of matter itself that is a starting point of life, and you can go off in an infinite number of directions, except as limited by those innate impulses intrinsic to matter. So I would not limit my possibilities to thinking that organisms had to have been the source.

GD: So what would be a good test for life? I mean, considering that scientific ideas about life are so limited.

RP: I think it has to be an inductive kind of perceptual reason; or watch something and see what happens.

GD: So if it basically displays pattern recognition qualities, that would classify as consciousness, basically?

RP: Yeah. Self-organizing and generating or order out of disorder.